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push the gas pedal really hard

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Q: High acceleration of car
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Another name for a High performance car?

a high quality car, fast acceleration or top speed hot rod

Why is it that their is an acceleration when a car is moving?

There is only acceleration if the car's velocity changes. If it moves at a constant velocity, then there is no acceleration.

If a car is slowing down can its acceleration be positive?

No, if a car is slowing down, its acceleration is negative. Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity, so if the car's velocity is decreasing, its acceleration is in the opposite direction.

Car slow acceleration?

It is good of a car has a slow acceleration rate. This means that the car will probably be great on gas.

What has to happen to a car's acceleration and velocity for a car's speed to increase and have a positive acceleration?

For a car's speed to increase and have a positive acceleration, the car's velocity needs to be increasing in the same direction as its acceleration. This means that the car is speeding up. When the velocity and acceleration have the same sign (both positive or both negative), the car's speed will increase.

The maximum acceleration of a car while towing a second car twice its mass compared to its acceleration with no car in tow is?

The maximum acceleration of the car towing a second car twice its mass will be half the acceleration compared to when it's not towing any car. This is because the total mass being accelerated by the car is now doubled when towing the second car, leading to a decrease in acceleration due to the increased inertia.

What is the acceleration of a car going a constant speed of 100?

If the car is going at a constant speed of 100 km/h, then its acceleration is zero. Acceleration measures the rate of change of velocity, and since the car's speed is not increasing or decreasing, there is no acceleration.

If a N net force acts on a kg car what will the acceleration of the car be?

The acceleration of the car can be calculated using Newton's second law: a = F/m, where a is the acceleration, F is the net force, and m is the mass of the car. So, the acceleration of the car will be equal to the net force divided by the mass of the car in m/s^2.

Is acceleration of a car is scalar quantity?

No, acceleration is a vector quantity.

When a car's velocity is positive and it's acceleration is negative what is happening to the car motion?

The car is slowing down

When a car is moving in reverse backing from a driveway the driver applies the brake in what direction is the car's acceleration?

The car's acceleration is in forward direction.

True or false Negative acceleration always means that a system is slowing down?

false A car can have a negative acceleration and be speeding up. A negative acceleration determines the direction of the acceleration A car with forward acceleration will speed up in the forward direction A car moving forward with a negative acceleration will slow down A car not moving with a negative acceleration will speed up in the backward direction A car moving backward with a negative acceleration will speed up in the backward direction