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Yes, it does.

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Q: Does a 1996 Toyota Camry have a oil pan gasket?
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How much does it cost to replace an oil pan gasket on a 1998 Toyota Camry?


What are the symptom of a blown head gasket for a Camry Toyota?

One of the symptoms of a blown head gasket for a Toyota Camry is excessive steam or coolant coming from the tailpipe. Engine oil mixing with the coolant and a miss in the engine are also symptoms of a blown head gasket.

What causes a Camry to burn oil?

Burning oil in a Toyota Camry can be caused by a manufacturer's defect in the engine's pistons. A worn out valve cover gasket can also cause burning oil.

How do you change the oil pan gasket on a 1993 Toyota Camry?

I needed to change the oil pan on my Camry and couldn't get a gasket at any of the local dsicount shops. I called the nearest Toyota dealer and the service guy told me that he doesn't replace the gasket. Instead he uses RTV silicon, I did the same and haven't had a problem.

How hard is it to replace the oil pan gasket on a 1997 Toyota Camry?

It's not hard but time consuming.

What is the engine oil capacity of the 1996 Toyota Camry?

1 US. Gallon, or 4 Quarts.

How much should it cost to replace the oil pan gasket on a 1997 Toyota Camry?

It should about 1 hour of labor (~$70) + plus gasket (~$10-25).

How long does it take to change a oil pan gasket on a 1998 Toyota Camry?

It took me about 3 hours. Pro can do it, I guess, for about an hour.

Where is the oil pump for 2004 Toyota Camry located?

oil pamp chang toyota camry 2004

What type of oil goes into a 1996 Toyota Camry LX 4 cylinder engine?

Castrol 10w30

How do you replace the oil pump on a 1996 Toyota Camry?

You will have to remove the timing belt and the engine pan. Only after that you will get access to the oil pump.

How much engine oil does a 1987 Toyota Camry take?

A 1987 Toyota Camry will take 5 quarts of oil. The type of oil the Camry uses is 10 W 30.