If you have checked all possible solutions for example the battery being dead, the starter going out, any possible loose connections ex: battery cable wires, The Solenoid and your still having the same issues then your ignition switch would be my next guess.
If just clicking and not starting, most likely a dead battery.
If the Chrysler is only making a clicking noise and will not start, check the starter. Also check the alternator, and the battery. The starter solenoid is more than likely the reason the car is clicking and not starting.
Check your battery.
I have the same car with the same clicking noise right after you start the engine. The noise stops shortly after starting. There was a recall from Chrysler for this problem. Contact your local dealer regarding this matter.
stater or silanoid
h/lamp & tns relay clicking when car is off & car will not start
It really depends on the cause of the noise. Every Inline-4 Cylinder car I have ever seen makes some kind of clicking type noise when they are started cold, I'm pretty sure it's noise from the mechanical valve lifters. If it's really concerning to you, take the car to a qualified mechanic.
A clicking noise after changing an air filter on a car could indicate there is a problem. You should consult a car care professional.
Sorry, but your question makes no sense at all. What does a trunk lock have to do with your car starting or not.
One or both of you're drive axle bearings is dry
A loud fast clicking noise is usually indicative of a low battery or a loose cable.
Front main axle or CV joint.... that's assuming this car is front wheel drive