Yes it can as long as the battery is charged . The purpose of the alternator is to put the power used back into the battery.
Typically you know your alternator is out when you have to jump start your car numerous times. A way you can test it is by turning on your car and while it's running discount the + terminal. If the car turns off then your alternator is bad. If the car remains in then alternator is good and possible bad battery. Hope this helps
Only when you start the car
Dead battery, car will not start
If the car won't start, jump it off. While it is running, remove the positive cable from the battery. If the car dies, then your alternator is bad. If it keeps running then you may have a bad battery.
Check for a bad fusable link at alternator
bad battery, and bad alternator not keeping it charged - also bad connections to the battery or loose wire connections on the alternator.
no if the car doesnt start check the battery and the alternator and the starter.
Start the car, unplug the battery the alternater should power the car. If it dies the alternator is bad. You can also get it checked at any parts store.
you can but it wont stay running if the battery is dead
Battery? / Alternator? It's bad gas?
Yes, bad alternator drains the battery and would not have enough power to start the car. It could be a bad starter, distributor and rotor cap, if only you don't heard the car engine turning.
Yes it can as long as the battery is charged . The purpose of the alternator is to put the power used back into the battery