

How To Spray Paint Mini Blinds?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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14y ago

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If you have a window in your house with measurements that aren’t standard, you know how expensive it can be to get new mini blinds to fit it. Sometimes, though, you change the colors of a room and your old blinds no longer match. You can buy new blinds, but if you don’t want the expense, you can easily change the color of your blinds with a few inexpensive cans of spray paint.

Step 1: Set up a spray painting area. You should do this outside on a day without much wind. Lay a tarp over the ground in a shady area. The project may take a couple of hours, so choose a spot that will remain shady for some time.

Step 2: Close your blinds loosely, then remove them from the window. Take them outside and lay them on the tarp. You can start with either side up, but be aware you’ll be turning the blinds over several times.

Step 3: Spray the blinds with long, sweeping strokes from the can of spray paint. Cover the entire area that’s face up. It’s better to do a light coat, then recoat if necessary. You don’t want globs of paint on your blinds.

Step 4: Wait for the paint to dry, then turn the blinds over. Spray the back side with the same sweeping strokes.

Step 5: Once the paint has thoroughly dried, use the mechanism that opens and closes the blinds to turn the slats the other direction. You’ll notice stripes you didn’t paint on your first pass. Spray the blinds again, getting the stripes you missed.

Step 6: After the paint dries, turn the blinds over. You’ll see similar unpainted stripes on the other side. Spray paint them.

Step 7: Once the paint has dried, check all sides of the blinds for spots you missed. Look particularly around the cords. Do any necessary touch ups.

Step 8: Re-hang your mini blinds.

Your blinds may be stiff for a while, particularly when trying to raise or lower them, but that will work out with time and use. You may want to work the cords between your fingers to loosen them up.

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