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Q: Will the doctor add a stitch after childbirth?
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Need an example sentence with the word stitch?

I will stitch it back together.I have a stitch in my ribs.The doctor will need to stitch the wound.

What is a ovaries and uterus doctor called that does not have to do with childbirth?

A Gynecologists

Which medical doctor specializes in pregnancy and childbirth?


What is a doctor helping giving birth called?

A doctor who helps with childbirth is called an obstetrician. They specialize in providing medical care to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum.

How do you stitch you cuts at home?

If you have a cut that requires sutures then you should not be trying to stitch it yourself, go to your nearest doctor or hospital emergency department.

What is an adula?

An Adula is there with you at childbirth to allow the doctor to do his/her support the mother to be basically.

What does slip 2 stitches to stitch holder mean in knitting terms?

Stitch holders are used to hold stitches until you are supposed to add them back into your work. Take the 2 stitches put them onto a stitch holder then continue with your pattnern.

How serious is it if you have seizures after childbirth?

It could be a sign off something bad, if your worried talk to your doctor.

What is an obstestrician?

An Obstetrician is a doctor who specializes in pregnancy. This includes management of pregnancy, labor, and care directly after childbirth.

How do you add stitches to make more stitches?

This process is called increase. You can increase stitches by one when you knit in both the front and the back of a stitch, thus turning a single stitch into two stitches.

When was Stitch by Stitch created?

A Stitch for Time was created in 1987.