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Q: Will nail polish remover sub for mineral spirits to get paint off hands?
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How do you remove Liquid Nail from your hands?

Try fingernail polosh remover, a product called goop-off, or mineral spirits.

How do you get nail polish remover smell from hands?

wash your hands.

Can you wash polyurethane off your hands with mineral spirits?

Yes, and then wash the mineral spirits off your hands with soap and warm water.

Why is it bad to soak your hands in nail polish remover?

Not all Nail Polish Remover is bad for your fingers or hands. Theres different kinds such as "strengthening or nourishing" Plus much, much, more. After you're done soaking your nails or hands in Nail Polish Remover be sure to put some lotion on your hands and fingers so your hands won't get dried out. :)

How can you clean off nail polish remover?

Wash your hands?!

How do you clean oil base primer from hands?

mineral spirits

How do you get crazy glue off your hands?

Use an emery board or nail polish remover

What can you use to take crazy glue off your fingers?

Acetone-based nail polish remover will remove the glue. Wash your hands with warm water and soap to get rid of the polish remover.

You spilled nail polish and it has stained your hands how can you get if off?

You can try using nail polish remover to clean the stain off your hands. Alternatively, you could also try rubbing alcohol or lemon juice mixed with baking soda to help lift the stain. Remember to moisturize your hands afterwards as these methods can be drying.

How do you remove foam insulation spray from hands?

I don't know...I have it all over both hands, I have used finger nail polish remover, mineral spirits, gasoline, dishwasher liquid & bleach...looks like I have diseased hands.I soaked my hands in mineral oil and wore disposable gloves for an hour or so, got some off so I am going to do it again and sleep with them on! Shoulda thought of the box of disposable gloves BEFORE using foam.ANS:I feel your pain. Nail polish remover (acetone) really only works on fresh foam. Once the foam sets, you are going to have the dickens of a time getting it off you. You might want to try some paint remover if you have a high pain threshold. ZipStrip(r) will cut it but it is like fire on your skin. In about 3 days, it will peel off...the foam, not your skin.

How do you get ink of your hands?

Nail polish remover works By:rocker 7 washing your hands at least 3 or 4 times in fact putting nail polish just kinda contaminates you more... No affense

How do you get dark purple nail polish out of your rug?

if the rug is white Nail poish remover ( leaves a white mark) when ever I get nail polish in my hands or on a rug I rub it wth a nail file until it comes off