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The ovary in the flower must be fertilised by pollen from the stamen and then seeds can form.

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Because for it to make seeds it must have the pollen from the male part the stamen to reproduce.

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Q: Why must a flower be pollinated to make seeds?
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Do all trees release pollen?

Not all plants need to make seeds. Ferns and mosses for example do not have to produce seeds to spread.

Why does marijuana have so many seeds?

It must of somehow been pollinated during flowering... and or was a male plant. Female plants produce no seeds.

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A sunflower seed grows into a sunflower with more seeds. A seed must flower before making more seeds. Each flower produces over 1000 seeds.

Which part must be able to find in a flower to conclude that it is a insect pollinated flower?

Colourful petals. Plants that are not insect-pollinated are most often inconspicuous such as grass (which does have flowers!) or pines (which don't really have flowers but to produce massive amounts of pollen in spring, just because the wind is so random).

How do you get seeds out of an African violet?

To produce seeds, the African violet must be pollinated, either by itself (rarely happens), by insects (happens sometimes) or by human intervention. African violets have both male and female attributes so they can be "self-crossed" or pollinated with pollen of any other African violet. When pollination works, a seed pod will appear at the base of the flower. You have to wait until the pod grows, and dries (it turns brown). The whole process can take up to 9-10 months. When the seed pod is mature, you only have to gently open it with a sharp knife and get the seeds. One seed pod usually produce at least 500 seeds (seeds are almost as small as dust).

How is wind pollinating a flower similar to an insect pollinating a flower?

Both wind and insects can transfer pollen from one flower to another, aiding in pollination. Wind-pollinated flowers are usually small with abundant pollen, while insect-pollinated flowers are often large and colorful to attract pollinators. Both methods contribute to the reproductive success of the plant by facilitating the transfer of pollen between flowers.

How many ovules must be fertilized for a flower to produce 10 seeds?

Generally, one ovule needs to be fertilized to form one seed. Therefore, for a flower to produce 10 seeds, 10 ovules would typically need to be fertilized.

What makes fruit and vegetable organic?

To be organic, watermelon must be grown from non-GMO seeds and synthetic pesticides cannot be used. Usually, the seeds used are heirloom and open pollinated.

What is needed for pollination to take place?

In order for pollination to occur, what must happen to the pollen grains is that they have to be transferred to the stigma in a flower of the same species. The stigma is the female part of the flower.

Where does the pollen need to be taken in order for a flower to make seeds?

The pollen must be taken from the stamen to its stigma in order for pollination to occur. The common method of pollination is when insects and birds try to get nectar or pollen from the plant.

When does pollination take place?

A flower is pollinated when a bee drinks it's nectar. The bee will have pollen (a dust like substance) trapped on the hairs of it's legs from other flowers. Pollen from the flower gets trapped on the bee, and pollen trapped on the bee's legs get in the flower. This is how a flower is pollinated.

How do you make a wheat doodle god?

To make wheat, you must combine a field and seeds.