After natural burning of natural silk an ash remain and the smell is strong; the burning of artificial silk can be total.
Roentgenium is a synthetic element and its properties such as color and smell are not well-defined due to its very short half-life. Since it is a radioactive metal, it is expected to have a metallic appearance and may not have a distinct smell in its pure form.
It is better for engines, more pure and burns cleaner. It's better for care engines.
If you have ever smelled laundry bleach, or been in a swimming pool and noticed a smell to the water- that is the smell of chlorine (in a fairly mild form). Pure chlorine gas is pale green, has a choking, burning smell, and is deadly to breathe. Whether it is "worse" than the smell of wastewater would depend on the purity of the chlorine you smell- the more pure, the worse the smell.
Burning coal emits harmful chemicals into the atmosphere which increases the Greenhouse Effect. Water is pure therefore harmless to the environment.
Just the smell and taste of ethanol itself.
burns faster in pure oxygen as the percentage of oxygen is less in air
i didnt know silver had a smell in the first place Silver does indeed have a very definitive smell, if it is real solid or pure silver it will smell slightly sweet and soft or subtle if you will. If it is cheap silver plate it will smell brassy and bitter. hope this helps as just a quick old scholl validation method.
Honey is pure sugar. Sugar is about the worst for burning fat.
Diamond Nexus diamonds are not synthetic. They are created using a patented formula that combines real minerals and lab-created diamond alternatives to produce a stone with similar properties and characteristics to natural diamonds.
Pure ethanol has a sharp, slightly sweet, and slightly fruity smell. Some describe it as having a strong medicinal or rubbing alcohol-like odor.
The technology is simpler and the production is higher.
Yes, without any issues. That's what synthetic blend oils are (better than conventional oil, not quite as good as pure synthetic).