well it depends on which kinds. the one for kids from rose art takes aproxx. 5 minustes, i will also be getting one soon from nostalgia ( the cotton candy machine which turns hard candy in to cotton candy)
Rose Art makes a small cotton candy machine that looks almost like a toy! It is easy to use and makes real cotton candy for your children to enjoy. You can look here for more information http://www.amazon.com/Rose-Art-5777-2-Cotton-Machine/dp/B000068EY1.
'Barbe à papa rose'
Yes, in fact there is one made by Rose Art that is kid-friendly where they can make their own cotton candy. This one that would be for grown up and supervised children use is from Nostalgia Electrics, http://www.google.com/products/catalog?rlz=1T4TSHB_enUS239US239&q=cotton+candy+machine&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=2210104568652844695&ei=9GUrTbL_EYP68Abe0ZHMAQ&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CD0Q8wIwAg#.
Rose candy, and yes, it does exist.
No!, only if you get color is if you create your own color and color the cotton.
Profit per pound of cotton skyrocketed and with it the amount of cotton planted for harvest. United States cotton exports rose 6,000% between 1790 and 1815.
chicken! and candies! not chocolates but candy. :)
Arthur G. Rose has written: 'Early cotton riots in Lancashire, 1769-1779'
He is an actor from Hot Tub Time Machine.
Rusty Young and Paul Cotton