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it is a advantage because thaen you have more control over the sewing machine than if you didn' know th functions of tools and equipment.

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Q: Why is it important to know your sewing tools?
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Is it important to have complete set of sewing tools and equpments?

Yes. becouse this is my homework today. Answer two: It is important to have all the sewing tools and equipment you need for the projects you might be interested in doing. There are many tools that are specific to a certain use, and if you don't do that type of work, you will not need that tool.

What tools can you use for sewing?

Needle and thread. Sewing machine.

What equipment is required of a sewing bag?

A needle and thread are the most important tools, and scissors and pins are very useful.

Where could one go to purchase some basic sewing tools?

There are many places one could go to purchase basic sewing tools to accompany a sewing machine. Sites like Amazon and eBay have tools while specialty sites like Etsy provide sales of tools and information about sewing.

What are the 4 classification of sewing tools?

Hem Marker Ruler Seam gauge Tape Measure Answer two: Sewing tools are generally classified by the task they are designed for. You will start your project with the marking and measuring tools, next the cutting tools, now the sewing tools, and finally the finishing tools. So the four categories are marking/measuring; cutting; sewing; finishing For more information see this source:

How do you prevent accidents when sewing?

Accidents can be prevented in sewing by knowing what you are doing, being familiar with your tools, and paying attention to what you are doing. Although many sharp tools are used in sewing, there is no reason that accidents cannot be avoided.

Three ways of caring for sewing and crocheting tools?

Three ways of caring for sewing and crocheting tools is keeping them in their protective case and keeping them in a dry place.

Why should you not borrow sewing tools to others?


How many groups can sewing tools are divided into?


What are the different sewing tools that you must have on your sewing box?

Needles, Scissors, Pincushions and Pins, Seam Ripper, Thimbles, Thread, Fabric, Sewing Needle Booklet . =))

What are the examples of pinning and sewing tools?

Pins and pin cushion

What are the 5 classifications of sewing tools and equipment?

1. Measuring tools example : ruler 2. Cutting tools example: scissors 3. Drafting tools example: Tailor's square 4. Marking tools example: Tailor's Chalk 5. Sewing tools example: Needles