

Why is cotton useful?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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15y ago

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It is the material that is used to make clothes.

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Q: Why is cotton useful?
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How is the cotton gin useful?

After the cotton is picked it is sent to a gin. The gin removes the seeds and the cotton is cleaned and bailed for shipment.

Is cotton man-made?

Cotton fibres come from cotton plants, and this fibre is then processed by mankind into useful products.

What kind of dress is useful in hot season?

The dresses which are made by cotton, are useful in hot season.

What are facts about cotton wool?

Cotton wool is cotton that is cleaned and fabricated into useful items such as gauze for first aid kids, tampons, Q-tips and cotton balls.

What can you make with 68 yards of cotton wool?

Cotton wool is absorbent cotton -- gauze, for example. You may be able to craft something useful or interesting -- from your imagination.

What are facts about wool?

Cotton wool is cotton that is cleaned and fabricated into useful items such as gauze for first aid kids, tampons, Q-tips and cotton balls.

What materials use cotton fiber?

Cotton fibre is useful in the fabrication of textiles, sleeping platforms and bedding materials, and more.

What material is not a useful conductor of electricity?

Cotton and other fabric materials.

Why did cotton become the souths most important crop?

it was very useful

Where is raw cotton grain or lumber taken to be made into useful products?


How is strong cotton useful?

because you can use it for cloths and many more things

What are the good and bad points of cotton?

Good: > Turns into useful items. > Produces clothes. Bad: > If you wear Cotton clothes you might get a rash. ( Depends if you are allergic to Cotton. ) > With Cotton some items are wasted. :P By A.K!=]