It eats continuously,therefore it grows faster.
they have a short life time
because when fully grown,at about six weeks,the silkworm has increased its size seventyfold.
As a cell increases in size, its volume increases more rapidly than its surface area. This is because volume increases cubically with size, while surface area only increases squared. This can create challenges for the cell in terms of nutrient exchange and waste removal as the cell grows larger.
True. As a cell grows in size, its volume increases faster than its surface area. This is because volume increases cubically with the size of the cell (length x width x height), while surface area increases squared with the size of the cell (length x width). This can lead to issues with nutrient exchange and waste removal if the cell becomes too large.
Caterpillars and silkworms are eating machines. Once hatched, they will eat and eat until it becomes time to spin their cocoons or pupate to reach the final stage and emerge as an adult. In commercial silk production, once the silkworm is cocooned, it is dropped into boiling water to kill it. The cocoon is then unravelled to produce a silk thread Several threads are combined to produce the silk yarn strong enough to produce a fabric.
Caterpillars and silkworms are eating machines. Once hatched, they will eat and eat until it becomes time to spin their cocoons or pupate to reach the final stage and emerge as an adult. In commercial silk production, once the silkworm is cocooned, it is dropped into boiling water to kill it. The cocoon is then unravelled to produce a silk thread Several threads are combined to produce the silk yarn strong enough to produce a fabric.
The volume of a cell grows more rapidly than its surface area. This is because volume increases with the cube of the cell's size, while surface area increases with the square of the cell's size. This has implications for processes like nutrient exchange, as a larger cell may struggle to adequately supply its interior with nutrients and remove waste.
Surgery may be necessary if the width of the patient's aorta increases rapidly or reaches a critical size (about 2 inches).
The ATOM decreases in size when it loses an electron and increases when electrons are added.
The mass of the fetus increases most rapidly during the third trimester of pregnancy. This is when the fetus experiences significant growth and development, resulting in a noticeable increase in mass and size.