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you can't put yarn on a fan how can you do that by a later or some thing.

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Q: Why do you put yarn on fans?
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In harvest moon magical melody what does the dye pot make?

Dyed yarn. Put in a herb or flower! JUST ONE, and put in one yarn! Presto! Just, BE AWARE: DO NOT JUST PUT IN YARN BY ITSELF OR IT WILL BE FAILED YARN!

How do you do dreads with yarn?

I'm assuming you mean falls. You attach the yarn to a rubber band or clip and then put it in your hair.

How do you make half double crochet stitch?

Almost like you make the double crochet. Wrap the yarn over your hook or yarn over, put it through the loop and pull the yarn through, then wrap the yarn over the hook again and put it through all three loops on the hook

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you put two loops over the land yarn, then you put the other two strings in each loop. dont know how else to explain it

In harvest moon magical melody how do you dye wool?

Ok, first of all, YOU CAN'T DYE WOOL. You have to put the wool in the yarn maker first. Then put the yarn and an herb into the Dye Pot and you get a colored yarn. (I believe this works with all color herbs.) Though, I believe shiny yarn gives you more money.

How do you get flax yarn in harvest moon tree of tranquility?

Flax yarn is different then "wool yarn" and "silk yarn" and requires you to sow them into the dirt in the season it instructs you. When you harvest the seed, you put it in the yarn maker like you would do with silk and wool. Voila! Flax yarn. You can also change its color with a dyer, both of which you buy at Simon's general store beside the clinic.

Will acrylic paint on yarn make it stiff?

The short answer is a qualified yes.-If you put acrylic wall paint on a single strand of yarn (natural fiber or synthetic), the yarn will be encased in a paint that will make it more rigid, and the paint will crack if you bend the yarn.- If you put acrylic wall paint on knitted yarn (for example a sweater) the acrylic will sit on the surface and dry to a hard finish. When the yarn bends (in the washer or in use) the paint will crack and eventually start to flake off, although it will not all come off.- If you put acrylic craft or artists' paint on a single strand of yarn, you will get the same result as above.- If you put acrylic craft or artists' paint on knitted yarn, yo will also get the results above.*Note*- If your desire is to paint on a knitted piece and have the yarn stay flexible, there is a paint medium used for fabrics (you can find it at most craft stores) that will make the paint more flexible and adhere better.

How was wool made in the past?

It was sheered from a sheep then put through a spindle and spun unto yarn. Some times natural things were used to dye the yarn with.

Why do some people wear a red yarn around their wrist?

To protect them from evil eye. People usually put red yarn on infant babies to protect them from envious people.

What is plural for yarn?

Yarn is an irregular plural so plural for yarn is yarn. It can be singular or plural.

What is the difference between a spun yarn a filament yarn and a textured bulk filament yarn?

difference between spun yarn and filament yarn

Can you put yarn in a voodoo doll instead of Spanish moss?

The making of a voodoo doll is a very personal thing. Spanish moss is almost always used, but if you do not have it on hand and feel that yarn would be a better personal substitute to suit your needs of the doll; then go ahead and use yarn.