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If not removed they will mess up the thread, yarn, or cloth eventually made from the cotton. For example you would not much like wearing cotton underwear with lots of prickly bits and lumps in it, would you?

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Q: Why do you have to separate the seed thorns and branches of cotton?
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Most citrus trees have thorns on the branches. Lime trees usually have thin branches with thorns, lemons are similar

How much work did the Cotton gin save?

It took out the seeds+thorns, so the African Amerians didn't get pricked and bleed on the cotton, so people bought more cotton.

What is the difference between cotton seed and seed cotton?

Cotton seed: the seeds of the cotton plant. Seed cotton: the cotton fiber with seeds still attached, still needing to go through the cotton gin.

What is the seed pod of cotton called?

The seed of cotton is called 'cotton seed'.The pod that contains the cotton seed and the cotton fiber is called a 'boll'.

What is the difference between black seed and green seed cotton?

Black seed cotton refers to cotton seeds that have a black seed coat, while green seed cotton refers to cotton seeds with a green seed coat. The color of the seed coat can affect the ginning process and quality of the cotton fiber extracted from the seeds.

What is the meaning of cotton lint?

Cotton lint is the fibre derived from seed cotton after the seed cotton has been ginned. Seed cotton is the ball of the cotton plant as picked from the field.

How do you make cotton linters?

Cotton linters is the last residue of the cotton industry. Basically the cotton linters is the last fibers that involves the seed of the cotton plant. Then the only way to separate both is to cut from the seed in a similar way you cut your hair. For this operation you use special machinery (with shives, sieves, classification, etc.) for a good separation without contamination of fibers and seed, because seed is most valuable than linters. The operation of cutting linters is called delinting.

How cotton is formed?

Cotton is part of the seed of the cotton plant. The cotton is white fluffy strands attached to the cotton seed that allows the seed to catch the wind and be dispersed. We collect these fluffy bundles just as the pod opens and scrape off the seed, keeping the cotton fluff which is combed and twisted into cotton thread.

What are the pros of the cotton gin?

The Cotton G in was an invention created by Eli Whitney. He created the Cotton Gin in 1793. This invention was a quicker alternative to picking seed out of cotton by hand. The machine had spiked teeth on a boxed revolving cylinder to pick the seeds.

What is itThe bush resembles Saskatoon but leaves are oval and slightly split and branches have a few fairly large thorns. The fruit lokks like Saskatoon but is flat tasting and has a large flat seed?

Maybe they were chokecherries?

What is the beginning of cotton?

The beginning of cotton is a cotton plant seed.

Why cotton was made?

The cotton was made by the cotton seed to protect itself