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Generally, the makers of all sterling silver objects and sometimes gold have their own mark stamped into the piece to identify them. Each company has a different mark and finding them can sometimes be difficult.

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Q: Who is jewelry makers mark is 3 circles in the shape of a triangle?
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What is stronger a triangle or a circle?

Circles are a stronger geometrical shape than a triangle. Circles distribute weight equally which makes it more stable. That is why pot holes are circles.

What is the stronger shape a circle or a triangle?

A circles structural shape is in fact stronger than a triangles structural geometric shape.

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Circles circumscribed about a given triangle will all have centers equal to the incenter but can have different radii?

Yes, that is correct. Circles circumscribed about a given triangle will have centers that are equal to the incenter, which is the point where the angle bisectors of the triangle intersect. However, the radii of these circles can vary depending on the triangle's size and shape.

How do you draw the golden poppy?

To draw a golden poopy one starts by drawing a circles in a triangle shape and and another 3 circles surrounding the first 3 circles that one has drawn.

What shape could not have parallel lines?

Triangles, Circles, Ellipses Only triangle if you only want polygons.

What shape have exactly 3 lines of symmetry?

Any regular polygon with more than three sides. Edit: Oh, and also circles. And possibly ellipses.

Is a triangle a organic shape?

A triangle is a geometric shape.

What shape is not a triangle?

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Why are trianlges so strong?

Triangles are only strong in comparison to other shapes, like squares or circles. Seriously circles are WEAK. ********* It depends on the type of load. If the load is a force aplied on a corner of the triangle, then the triangle can "efficiently" transmit this force to its base. But if, for example, the load is internal pressure, then the triagle, as well as any shape with straight lines, will fail. For internal pressure the ideal shape is the circle.

Is a triangle geometric or organic shape?

A triangle is a geometric shape.

A triangle an example of what kind of shape?

A triangle is a geometric shape.