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Q: Who could hold public office in Rome?
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Who could hold political office in early office?

In early Rome, only patricians could hold political office.

What are some of the things rome women couldn't do?

They couldn't vote or hold public office

What stuff in Rome can men not do?

Nothing!Pretty much men on the time of Rome can do anything!!!If they were born out and be men, they were the luckiest of all Romans. They were a full citizen and had all the rights of Romans. They could vote and hold public office.

Can Alien hold office?

They cannot hold (public) office.

When were ancient roman women allowed the vote?

The women of ancient Rome were never allowed to vote nor to hold public office.

What specific right enjoyed by full citizens was denied to partial citizens as Rome expanded?

A specific right of a full citizen of Rome that was not granted to partial citizens was the right to hold public office.

What group of people could not hold public office during reconstruction?

former enslaved African Americans

Was the Colosseum in ancient Rome a public institution?

ya. it was made to watch gladiators fight. it could hold 1500+ people and all of them could get out of there in less then 15 minutes.

What did Benjamin do for a living?

He was a lawyer when he did not hold public office.

What is the right to hold public office?

civil right

Can you hold a public office if you have filed bankruptcy?


What did Harrison do for a living?

He was a lawyer when he did not hold public office.