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GRaphite pencil

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Q: Which drawing material became the replacement for silverpoint?
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How did Dr. Seuss get famous?

he became famous for his books and fir drawing and writing Cartoons.

When did Rembrandt start drawing?

As a child. He became a prfessional in 1624.

How did art become famous?

it became popular in the 1950's. then the artist was so excited with what he did he or she just kept drawing pictures, because they loved drawing.

What is the most common of all drawing media?

Graphite encased in wood, it became what we know as a pencil, today the most common drawing medium of all. With that being said the answer is graphite pencil.

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Nubuck suede has become an important material in the manufacture of apparel belts.

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The eroded material from the shield was deposited on the continental margins, where it accumulated and formed sedimentary rocks over time due to compaction and cementation. This material became part of the geological record and can contain important information about Earth's history and past environments.

What does it mean to dream of a pencil?

you love to study alot. you can became a good artist. pick up the pencil and start doing drawing.

When did alex katz die?

alex katz became an artist by drawing at home and loved it so much he made it a frequent hobbie which turned into a job!

How did X first become a replacement for the word Christ in Xmas cards?

X first became a replacement for the word Christ on Xmas cards back in the sixteenth century. It was not a secular attempt to take Christ out of Christmas which is a popular belief.

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Gandalf was originally known as Gandalf the Grey. After his rebirth, he became Gandalf the White in replacement of Saruman. Gandalf the Grey and after his resurrection he became Gandalf the White.

How did art become?

because new artist means new drawings cause no artist wants to draw with a rock