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First, The Commonly-Accepted Story From Wikipedia:

The Slanket was created by Gary Clegg in Maine in 1998 using heavy fleece material. Clegg's mother made him a blanket with a single sleeve for use in his cold dorm room. Clegg later developed that into the Slanket with two sleeves.[3][4]

The Snuggie is a popular similar product sold in the United States, Canada and Australia. It was marketed primarily through a memorable television commercial.[5] As of January 2009, over 4 million of the product had been sold.[6]

Fosdick Corporation, the company which markets the Snuggie via its website and television commercials along with many other as seen on TV products, has received several hundred consumer complaints and has received a failed rating from the Better Business Bureau.[7]

Another well known variant, the Toasty Wrap, has been sold via infomercials hosted by Montel Williams as a method for saving on heating costs.[8] However, based on the similarities of the Toasty Wrap's advertising to that of Snuggie, it is probable that both brands originate with the same manufacturer.[9]

Now, For The Real Story...

Sometime around 1990, when I finished my undergrad at Asbury College (Asbury University now), I had an idea for a long, warm blanket with sleeves. I was an avid reader and got tired of having to take my hand out from under the blanket to turn the page. (It was hard enough to hold the book!) I was going to call it, naturally...The Book Blanket.

I drew the pattern on a sketch pad and presented it to my grandmother with high hopes of enlisting her help to create one that I could present as a prototype. Within one week she had one sewn together. She had used an old yellow-ish blanket and two sleeves from one of my grandpa's thermal underwear tops. It was not 'identical' to my drawing, which was a more flowing, less confining pattern, but grandma had captured the basic idea (and it was free, so I wasn't complaining).

I went down to Columbus, OH to do some patent research, fully intending to patent my new invention. I entered Seminary soon thereafter, stayed to get my Doctorate, and just put the 'Book Blanket' on the back burner. I wish I had followed through, providing page-turning freedom to book lovers everywhere, but I'm glad someone was able to bring it to market to emancipate and warm the masses. It's obviously been a 'hit'! - Dr. Scott McQuate

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Related questions

Who invented the first snuggie?

The first one was called "The Freedom Blanket."

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Why was the snuggie created?

the snuggie was invented for lazy people who are too helpless to hold there blanket up by them selves and who are crazy enough to buy something off those stupid infomercials

When was the snuggle blanket first invented?

The popular american item, called the snuggie, was invented in 2008. It features a blanket that you do not have to remove to perform activities to be able to keep warm. This item had become very popular and made millions since it first came out.

Where can you buy a Snuggie?

Depending on what type of Snuggie you are looking for, the original Snuggie can be purchased and most major retail outlets. If you are looking a Custom Snuggie, Collegiate Snuggie, Designer Snuggie, or anything other than the original Snuggie, there are various places to buy. If you go to, it has links to all of the official websites where you can purchase.

When was the Snuggie made?


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How do you put on a cabelas brand snuggie?

First of all you will need the whites of a large ostrich egg, second you will need 29 matches that you can strike anywhere, third you will need 16.78 ounces of karosine, last you will need the cabelas snuggie. Step one put on the snuggie. Step two dump all the karosine over the snuggie. Next light the match on the snuggie. Last try to cook the egg whites into a heart healthy omlet the whole family can enjoy, while you incinerate yourself. I hope you enjoy this, i have done it many times.

Can you still buy the DX snuggie?

You cannot. It was pulled shortly after it was released due to copyright violations of the original snuggie. :(

What is better than the Snuggie?

It all depends on your opinion on what is better than the Snuggie. There is another similar product, called the Slanket.

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What is the blanket with arms called?

The Snuggie!