There is no place on earth where there are mermaids. Mermaids are not real and are only in stories, film and myth. They do not exist. just kidding they are real not fake if u belive they are real then if u were really really lucky you can find one in the ocean swimming or along the beach
No. Mermaids are creatures of fantasy. They do not actually exist.
Mermaids are mythical creatures but it possible that manatees were mistaken for mermaids and you might find them there.
go to google click on imiges type in mermaids or cartoon mermaids, or computer animated mermaids or just animaited memaids.
Yes you can
Mermaids aren't real! If they were then that would be a miracle. Pirates thought that there were mermaids in the sea, but they were starving and it was an illusion.
No, mermaids are not real. Mermaids are fantasy creatures, just like fairies, vampires, and Santa Claus.
There is no place on earth where there are mermaids. They are not real and do not exist outside of books, stories, and films. They are make believe.So you can find them only in stories like Peter Pan.
There are no mermaids in any of the them.
Nowhere. They don't exist... I guess.
One may find information of real mermaids at a number of websites that deal with the unexplained. Some of these websites include Geekologie or Mermology.
Mermaids are cryptids, or mythical. There has never been scientific evidence for the existence of mermaids, and there is a very real possibility that they do not exist at all. That could be the possible reason scientific methods have not been able to find mermaids in or on our oceans.