Cotton is sourced mainly from countries in the Southern Hemisphere including India China Pakistan the United States Brazil and Uzbekistan. In addition Egypt Turkey and Australia are also leading producers of cotton. It is estimated that India and China produce more than half of the worlds cotton.
Below is a list of the top countries that produce cotton:
Cotton is like wool only in that both can be used to make clothing and other items useful to humans. Cotton is a botanical resource while wool is sourced from animal fleece.
Fairtrade cotton is cotton that is produced following fair trade principles, which aim to improve the livelihoods of small-scale cotton farmers and workers by ensuring fair prices, better working conditions, and environmental sustainability. It is a certification system that guarantees that the cotton has been sourced ethically and sustainably.
The Question you mean is What Does Ethically Sourced Mean! Ethically sourced is something that has been sourced from somewhere where there are allot of the same product around.
Examples of natural fibers include cotton, wool, silk, jute, and hemp. These fibers are sourced from plants and animals, making them biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
About 16 percent of food is locally sourced in the United States.
The cast of Responsibly Sourced - 2012 includes: Jack Faires as Cook
Materials that come directly from nature include wood, cotton, wool, silk, leather, clay, stone, and bamboo. These materials are sourced from plants, animals, or minerals without undergoing significant processing or alteration.
Its called "Locally Sourced" you can get it of a site alled incompetch or just type in locally sourced download :)
Materials are typically categorized into two main types: natural materials and synthetic materials. Natural materials are sourced from the environment, such as wood, cotton, and wool, while synthetic materials are man-made, like plastics, nylon, and polyester.
To make money !
The pearl buttons of a Lacoste shirt are sourced only from the Indian Ocean. They are called mother of pearls.
Knife blanks for home projects can be sourced from Lowe's where there are many such items for sale. One can also get them from The Home Depot and eBay.