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Actually, You can't: I myself have been traveling across this entire continent for the past several years looking for one, I began my quest in NSW (New South Wales) and headed north to Queensland, only to be discouraged. Since 2006 I've been through the Northern Territories, Western Australia, and even down into Alice Springs to find that hand-carved wooden wolf of my dreams. I'm currently in Melbourne, continuing my search. Goodluck, mate. I should be heading to the South, I'll write here if I find the perfect hand carved wooden wolf.

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Q: Where can you buy a hand carved wooden wolf from in Australia?
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What does Rene get Bella for her birthday in New Moon?

A small wooden carved wolf

When did Jacob give Bella the carved wolf?

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Is the Mexican wolf spider found in Australia?

There are many species of wolf spider found in Australia, but the Mexican wolf spider is not one of them. It is neither native to Australia, nor has it been introduced, as of 2013.

Explain Bella's crystal heart charm bracelet in new moon?

She doesn't get it in new moon, it in Eclipse, and its a gift from Jacob, which has a wooden carved wolf on it. Edward gives Bella the DIAMOND heart to add to it as a reminder of him. It was one of the jewels that belonged to his mother. He has given some to Alice and Esme as well.

What charms does Bella have on her bracelet?

she has a diamond heart from Edward, and a wooden wolf from Jacob. the heart was Edwards mothers and Jacob made the wolf himself

Where can I find a wooden wolf charm?

The best place is the factory that makes them..The Charm Factory

Whereabouts in Australia do wolf spiders live?

Wolf spiders in Australia live throughout Australia, being common in inland areas, coastal regions, grasslands, agricultural areas and even suburban backyards.

What shape are the two charms Bella wears on her bracelet-twilight?

a wooden wolf, a diamond heart

What animal is accociated with tyr the Norse god?

Fenrir the wolf, who bit off the hand of Tyr.

What jewelry does Bella wear?

Bella wears many different items or jewelry: In 'twilight' she wears a turquoise watch bracelet, a st Jude bracelet, another wooden bracelet which has small wooden beads on and a larger blue bead and a a moonstone ring. In new moon she wears the same In the eclipse novel she receives a bracelet from Jacob as a gift which has a small carved wooden wolf on it which Edward then adds a diamond heart to and she gets a ring from Edward with a larger diamond in the middle and smaller diamonds around the edge.

Where can you buy a wooden wolf charm?

At a store that supports twilight mechandise like Hot Topic or

Where is the largest wolf pack in the world?

the largest wolf pack ever recored was 37 wolves!