The term ftp hosting refers to centralized file hosting that hosts files that people can access when they need to. Ftp means "file transfer protocol".
Free ftp clients can be found on sites that specialize in ftp clients. file sharing sites. These are sites that let you register for a free ftp client and they are safe and reliable sites.
If you are looking for information on this, you need to have a fairly technical mind or it will make very little sense. The average computer user does not deal with this. However, if you are looking for information on the technical side of things, you can go to for all the inside information. There are many different providers for FTP hosting, which is a way of hosting your website, and you will probably need to download additional software to enable this.
Some of the packages that are offered from Canadian dedicated hosting include single & multiple website hosting and free sitebuilder tools. It also offers email hosting and FTP/SSH access.
They should give you access to FTP, in which you should download and install FileZilla(Free FTP). If no ftp access then they definitely should have a file manager in the control panel (something like photobucket if you ever used that).
Some websites that offer FTP web hosting services include Just Cloud, Open Drive and Dropbox. You can learn more about and sign up for services of these companies from their websites.
FTP, or File Transfer Protocol hosting is used for uploads that can be accessed on the internet. This makes it easy to share large files with other people.
Yes, it free for you to public your website online. You first need to signup at a free web hosting, such as Then use a FTP program to upload and public your site.
Someone can find free FTP solution software by going to safe software download sites and searching for file transfer software. One solid recommendation would be to search for Filezilla and install that software as it has a solid reputation.
No, But you don't have more permission to access unlimited space, high bandwidth and FTP so if you would like to increase your business and production then use at least cheap web hosting.
You can find some great information on free hosting at Here you will find comparisions to different options you may have as well as information on setting up your web hosting.
Free TomCat hosting can be found at a variety of places around the web. One could visit online sources such as OpenShift, AstraHosting, and Jelastic to find free TomCat hosting.