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Q: When is cotton harvested?
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Is cotton harvested or produced?


When is cotton harvested in AZ?

In Fall

Who did the cotton?

Slaves Harvested and Planted the cotton and the Wealthy plantain owners got the profit

How does cotton get to its factories?

Cotton comes from a plant. The plants are harvested, and the product is transported by truck to factories for processing.

Does every cell in a cotton plant produce cotton fibers?

No. Cotton plants are reproduced through their seeds. Commercial cotton -- the fibre -- is harvested from the cotton bolls what grow on the shrub.

What is the difference in cotton-picking and cotton pulling?

Cotton picking is pulling the soft cotton out of the hard boll that has opened when the cotton is ready to be harvested. Cotton pulling is harvesting the cotton by pulling the entire opened boll, with the cotton in it.

Name the machine that harvests cotton?

Cotton is harvested using two methods in North America. The first is the cotton stripper: The other method is the cotton picker:

What materials are in cotton?

That's like asking what chemicals are in Oxygen...cotton is it's own material, harvested from plants.

How did cotton used to be picked?

It was harvested by hand- by plucking the pod of cotton fiber from the plant. Extremely hard work.

What is the polymer for cotton?

Yes. Cotton is made of cellulose, which is a natural polymer.

How is cotton corduroy material constructed?

Cotton is a plant. To make it into fabric, it must be harvested, cleaned, spun into thread and woven

Where did cotton go after being harvested during slavery?

Exported all over the world.