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Q: When dishes remain on a table when you yank the tablecloth beneath them you're demonstrating?
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Whats it called whe you pull a table cloth off a table with dishes on it and they stay?

This is known as the "tablecloth trick" or "tablecloth pull," where the tablecloth is quickly yanked from under a set table while leaving the dishes undisturbed due to inertia. It requires precise timing and technique to ensure that the dishes remain in place while the tablecloth is swiftly removed.

What is the explanation behind the magician's tablecloth trick and how does it relate to inertia?

The magician's tablecloth trick involves quickly pulling the tablecloth out from under dishes without disturbing them. This works due to inertia, where objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force. By pulling the tablecloth quickly, the sudden force reduces friction, allowing the dishes to remain in place due to their inertia.

Why is it possible for the objects on a table to remain on the table when the table cloth was pulled away quicly?

Newton's first law of motion states that a body will maintain its current state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. Therefore, the magnitude of the force generated by the tablecloth on the dishes and the duration of the force determines whether the dishes fall off with the table cloth. The force that the tablecloth generates on the dishes when it starts to move is the frictional force. Therefore, the lower the coefficient of static friction of the tablecloth (e.g. plastic has a lower coefficient of friction than Velcro), the lower the magnitude of the force generated (i.e. pulling out a Teflon table cloth is much easier than pulling out a thick wool tablecloth). Also, the shorter the duration of the force (i.e. pulling the tablecloth off quickly), the lower the cumulative velocity resulting from the momentary acceleration (v = a*t, even if acceleration is large, a short time will reduce final velocity significantly). Therefore, lower coefficient of friction results in the reduction of force, the reduction of force leads to reduced acceleration (F = m*a), and reduced acceleration coupled with a short time period gives a lower final velocity.Hence it is possilble to pull a tablecloth off a table without disturbing the dishes on it.

Explain why some people can pull a tablecloth out from under the plates on a table without movingthe plates?

When pulling a tablecloth out from under plates on a table, friction plays a key role. If the tablecloth is pulled quickly enough, the plates will have a harder time overcoming static friction with the tablecloth and will stay in place due to inertia. This allows the tablecloth to be removed without moving the plates. It requires a quick and smooth motion to ensure the plates remain stationary.

Is it possible to pull a table cloth out from under dishes without breaking them?

Yes. If you do it as fast as you possibly can, because of physics, the dishes will remain unscathed.

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A balanced object will remain stationary if placed on a flat surface, demonstrating stability. If the object is disturbed, it will return to its original position due to its center of gravity being at its equilibrium point.

What are examples of first law of motion?

First Law Of Motion: An object continues to be in state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight line unless compelled to change that state by applied force or unbalanced force. Examples of newtons first laws of motion: 1] If u brake too hard on your bike[cycle], you may go flying over the handlebars.The force exerted by the brakes has stopped the bike,but you keep moving towards at the same speed. 2] When a tablecloth is skillfully whipped from under the dishes on a tabletop,dishes remain in their initial stage or rest. 3] In the game of caroms,only the coin at bottom of pile is moved when the fast moving striker hits the bottom coin and the remaining pile of carom coins above remain in their initial stage or rest. 3] When the card is flicked with the finger,the coin over it falls into the tumbler due to it's inertia. Thanks. By, Don E-mail:don91831@g

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Things like fish, lamb and chicken tikka or tandoori are good low carb Indian dishes. They will not (unfortunately) remain a low carb meal if you add a naan.

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The Antarctic continent may contain lakes beneath its ice cap, notably and recently discovered is Lake Vostok. Other lakes may remain to be discovered, identified and named.

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_when the magma remains below the depth at which magmas become solid _when the magma retains enough water to keep it from solidifying, regardless of depth

How does Newton's law apply to Pulling a tablecloth from under a set table?

Newton's first law statesAn object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.There are forces acting on the table setting. In particular there is gravity, approximately perpendicular to the plane of the table holding the silver, plates and glassware in place. These gravitational forces are balanced by the integrity of the table itself. These forces are applied on opposite sides of the tablecloth. Inherent in the system are the coefficients of friction between tablecloth and table as well as the various coefficients of friction between tablecloth and set pieces. These coefficients will give the amount of force that will be applied should the tablecloth be moved - either slowly or rapidly.If the table cloth is moved, the aforesaid forces will be brought to act on each item. The total impulse on the objects would be the acceleration due to friction times the duration of the movement. The net velocity imparted to the place setting would by the acceleration from the force of friction time the time of acceleration.By reducing the amount of time that the force is applied, it is possible to reduce the impulse and resulting velocity of the table setting pieces. Also, by choosing a tablecloth with a low coefficient of friction the impulse imparted would be reduced. The moving pieces are then slowed by the friction of the table-set piece coefficient of friction.In the limit then the table cloth can be removed leaving the place setting minimally disturbed.