To make this paper mache paste, you need 1 part flour to about 5 parts water. Start out by putting 4 parts water into a pot on the stove and bring it to a boil. While you are waiting for it to boil, mix 1 part flour to 1 part warm water. Beat this mixture briskly to remove lumps. Once your pot of water is boiling, slowly stir in the water and flour mixture. Mix well and let it boil for 2 - 3 minutes. It should be smooth and have the constancy of thick glue. If necessary, you can add more water or flour in small amounts until you get the desired consistency.
Baking soda vinegar glue paper
Papier mache is a fun and easy craft for school projects, movie makers, and hobbyists. A good recipe for papier mache is: one part flour to two parts water, tear up newspapers into strips and dip in paste mixture.
I looked a found a good one on line, I however like the one that is water salt and flour it is great. However, here are some sites that I believe can help you on this idea
some good homemade gifts are ornaments that are painted and paper mache
Paper-mache is biodegradable, meaning that it will decompose and have no negative impacts on the environment. Other than that property, paper mache does not seem to be in any other way helpful to the environment, as it is aesthetically displeasing to look at, and is not a strong building material nor a reliable one, as it "melts" in water like cardboard.
Lime and water. Just experiment with the amounts of each.
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Absolutely! Make sure you have a sturdy pair of scissors and determine first if you are cutting through anything like wire or some other framework that was used to keep the paper mache solid - you don't want to ruin the scissor blades by cutting metal mesh! Depending on the thickness of the paper mache, you may choose to use heavy duty hobby shears or even metal cutters for maximum ease and efficiency.
I would use a paper towel tube. I would make a cone shape with a piece of cardboard (maybe from a cereal box). This cone would be on top to make the tip of the crayon. Paper Mache over it and then decorate. i would by some card stock to make a crayon wrapper (and probably print out a crayola logo for the wrapper) Mod Podge would be good to use on the label.
i would put a paper towel role in my hands and rap the towel role in mache to make the bodys form good. for the head i think i would role up a ball of towels,paper towels,paper, or a ball of yarn ( just pick one whatever works for you ) and rap it in paper mache and put yellow yarn sticking up from the head for the maien. and for the tail just take yarn again and stick it on. :D ( p.s. i just make that up on the top of my head so tell me how it worked! form eeww2144 )
Ich mache Cricketspiele gut.
First of all...I really hope this is a project. But since you asked, the paper mache is easy. You need glue, paper(newspaper), and water. Then you mix, and then you should have the paper mache part done. Then how do you form the body? Good question. Well it really depends on the structures, the width, and the length of the body. If you want it to have the same structures like yourself then you need to trace your body on a big piece of cardboard with a marker so you can see the lines. if you need help ask an adult or a friend to trace your body. Then for the structure of your body, the body needs a face right? So get a picture of the person your mache-ing and you know how it works, you give them a nose, eyes, mouth, ears, and then for the hair you take yarn or if you want to be really creepy use real extensions or something like that. So there you have it! If you need any more help with the paper mache, I'm pretty sure they have it online now. Thanks :)