When determining what assets a prospective employee can bring to a job, there are two important aspects to keep in mind. Equal consideration must be given to the needs of the job and the qualifications of the employee.
yeah, sure
bring blood back to the heart
fg [job id]where [job id] is the job number associated with the process. You can find the job id by issuing the jobs command.
Answer I bring to you years of experience, the will to do a good and efficent job, in return for a salary that is suitable for me and you, the employer.
What are the three major characteristics that you bring to the job
Albany, GA Turner Job Corps Center
Theoretically I suppose you can bring your mom to a job interview if you thought you could use it to get the job, but I cannot imagine for the life of me what sort of job you are going for or why you think you would need a lawyer. Bringing a lawyer to a job interview probably means that you will not get the job. The only people that normally require an attorney when trying for a job are those that have confirmation hearings on Capitol Hill.
As this question is part of a job application, the only way you can stand out is if YOU answer what YOU would bring. If you feel you cant answer this question then perhaps the job is not for you.
Could u bring your cell phones to Job Corps with u to keep in touch with your family and friends?
When applying for a job, you might be asked what assets you bring to the company. You could talk about your skills and experience.