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Trees that drop their leaves for winter are in a group called "Deciduous".

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Q: What type of wood does not keeps its leaves in winter?
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What is a deciduous tree and a coniferous tree?

A coniferous tree has soft wood and usually has needles instead of leaves and keeps them all year long, whereas the deciduous trees have regular leaves, usually a hard wood, and they loose their leaves during the winter.

What is a coniferous tree and a deciduous tree?

A coniferous tree has soft wood and usually has needles instead of leaves and keeps them all year long, whereas the deciduous trees have regular leaves, usually a hard wood, and they loose their leaves during the winter.

Is a European oak hardwood or softwood?

It is hard wood. Hard wood lose there leaves in winter and soft woods are evergreens.

What is wood hard?

How hard a piece of wood is really has nothing to do with its being called hard. Hard wood comes from deciduous trees, trees that drop their leaves in winter. - wjs1632 -

Why do Mango and banyan trees shed their leaves in winter?

because at this time their leaves are not required and the wood is used mainly.

What to use to make a fire?

Base: Newspaper, Wood (dry) then put a fire-lighter in inside the wood and paper, this keeps it hot while the wood burns, then you can just keep adding wood, to keep it going. Wood, dead leaves, sticks, and put a firestarter in it to get it going. Wood, dead leaves, sticks, and put a firestarter in it to get it going.

Name something you do in fall to prepare for winter?

Buy winter clothes, chop wood antifreeze close pool winterize house snow tires rake leaves

What color and type of gift baskets are best for the winter months?

The wood type gift basket with white spray paint color on it is best for the winter months.

What are the 3 classifications that softwood lumber dividd into?

it is classified in three different sections; 1) hard woods, types of woods that shed their leaves in winter 2) softwoods, trees that are coniferous (do not shed their leaves in winter) 3) man made woods, woods of the softwood and hardwood family all tightly compacted into a big sheet.

What is the best type of wood for wagon building?

Oak, it doesn't rot during long, cold winter nights. from, wood expert Bob

Difference between hard wood and soft wood forest?

One obvious difference is that Hardwood has leaves and soft wood has needles. Hard wood will lose its leaves. and hard woods is actually softer than soft wood! and the same with soft wood... pretty cool huh?

Do broad-leaved trees lose their leaves in winter?

Yes, most broad-leaved trees do lose their leaves in winter in a process called leaf abscission. This helps trees conserve energy during the colder months when there is less sunlight available for photosynthesis.