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Boll weevils are harmful to the cotton plant.

Also birds and Spiders are harmful to them.

White flies cover the cotton balls in a sticky liquid called "honeydew" that is expensive to get off. They also suck the sap out of them.

Bollworm, pink bollworm, and lygus bug are some more.

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Wilburn Weissnat

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2y ago
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8y ago

Boll weevils are harmful to the cotton plant.

Also birds and Spiders are harmful to them.

White flies cover the cotton balls in a sticky liquid called "honeydew" that is expensive to get off. They also suck the sap out of them.

Bollworm, pink bollworm, and lygus bug are some more.

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Q: What pests are harmful to the cotton plant?
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What pests are harmful to the cotton plant besides boll weevils?

bollworm, pink bollworm, lygus bug

What other pests are harmful to a cotton plant besides the boll weevil?

White flies, certain spiders, and birds.

The pests to the cotton plant?

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that's not even a question r u ach completely stupid

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The address of the Cotton Plant Public Library is: Main Street, Cotton Plant, 72036 0221

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