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Q: What mood color is dignity?
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Does color affect a persons mood?

how does color affect a person's mood

Does the color of a room change your mood?

no and yes it depends on your mood your in

What is the mood for the color for red?

red is angry mood colour

How do mood rings change color?

mood rings use the temperature of the item they come in contact with to chemically change its color. that's why mood rings don't always tell you your correct mood.

Do mood rings change color?

mood rings use the temperature of the item they come in contact with to chemically change its color. that's why mood rings don't always tell you your correct mood.

Why does your moodring stay blue?

Mood rings change color based on the wearer's temperature, not their mood. If your mood ring is staying blue, it might mean that your body temperature is within the range that corresponds to the blue color on the ring's color chart. Each color on a mood ring is associated with a temperature range, so it's not necessarily an indication of your mood.

How does a mood ring change color?

A mood ring changes color based on the temperature of the wearer's skin. The ring is made of a special liquid crystal that responds to temperature changes by shifting colors. The colors are meant to reflect the mood of the wearer, with each color corresponding to a specific emotion.

What does a spinning mood ring do?

A spinning mood ring, the ting it does it changes color and it spins!

Do mood nailpolish work?

Mood nail polish changes color based on temperature. When your nails are warm, the color appears lighter, and when they are cold, the color is darker. While some people enjoy the novelty of mood nail polish, its color-changing effect may not be very dramatic or long-lasting.

Can mood rings change color?

-_- seriously?

Does color of a room affect mood?


What color is sad on a mood ring?
