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Q: What material symbol is frequently used in drawings to represent all metals?
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What are the importance of heavy metals in cooking?

Heavy metals compounds have frequently toxic properties.

What are some examples of items that rust?

things that are metal material The term is applied frequently to iron and iron alloys.

Is an inorganic molecule a cofactor?

Metals ions are frequently cofactors of proteins.

Should oxidation or reduction be done to extract metals from their compounds?

A reduction reaction is frequently used to obtain pure metals.

Why are manhole covers made of metals?

If they were made of wood they would rot and have to be replaced frequently. The metals used are also inexpensive.

What are the main material that can be recycle?

Paper, Plastics and Metals are the main material that can be recycled.

Base of Metals?

metal is a hard material which is extracted from ores.There are various metals,with various properts

An example of an opaque material is?

concert, clay, metals.

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Which material is mallenable and conducts electricity?

Most metals.

What is an example of a magnetic material?

Steel is a magnet material, but not all metals are magnetic, like Aluminum.

Does the stairstep pattern on the periodic table of elements represent metals or non-metals?

The stair-step pattern has metalloids on both sides, that is, such elements which possess properties similar to both metals and non-metals.