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No cotton cannot melt, but it can burn.

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Cotton melts at 250° C.

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Q: What makes cotton not disintegrate in water?
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Are cotton pads biodegradable?

Cotton is biodegradable. It takes a long time for the cotton pads to disintegrate but they do and normally do not harm the earth.

Why is cotton bad to wear in water?

Cotton is bad to wear in water and in cold weather because it holds in moisture. This makes it good for summer wear.

What is so special about cotton that makes it comfortable to wear?

What makes cotton so special is the simple fact that cotton is made of a special fiber,making it feel like you floating on a water bed.

Why do meteors disintegrate?

They disintegrate when they come into Earth's atmosphere, as a result of the enormous energy that is liberated - this is the result of the meteor's fast speed, which makes it heat up.

What is in orange fanta that makes chicken bone disintegrate?

The fruit acids and the CO2 fizz (which makes carbonic acid).

How much water does cotton absorb in percentage?

Cotton can absorb up to 27 times its own weight in water, which is approximately 2700%. This property makes cotton a highly absorbent material, which is why it is commonly used in towels and other textiles.

What is the role of cotton in making artificial fibers?

the role of cotton in making artificial fibres, it makes the fibre more flexible and smooth. Water absorbent.

Why is the density of cotton less than the density of water?

The density of cotton is less than the density of water because cotton is less compact and has a lot of air spaces in its structure. This makes it less dense overall compared to the closely packed molecules in water.

How do cotton towels absorb water?

Cotton towels are absorbent due to the natural properties of cotton fibers. The fibers have small pores that create capillary action, drawing in water through these tiny channels. The high surface area of cotton fibers also contributes to their absorbency by allowing more water to be captured and retained.

What items take the longest time to break down or disintegrate in a landfill if you compare a paper bag a 6-pack ring holder a plastic bag a book or a piece of cotton fabric?

A plastic, 6-pack holder takes a long time to disintegrate - about 450 years. This is much longer than the time required by a disposable diaper, a hard plastic container, or an aluminum can. Paper, books, and cotton fabric disintegrate much faster and more completely.

What seed makes cotton?

Cotton comes from cotton plants that grow from germinated cotton seeds.

How does hypochlorite destroy cotton?

Hypochlorite, a common component of bleach, can destroy cotton fibers by oxidizing them and breaking down their chemical structure. This oxidation reaction weakens the cotton fibers, causing them to deteriorate, weaken, and eventually disintegrate. Overexposure to hypochlorite can lead to discoloration, weakening, and degradation of cotton fabrics.