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cotton gin

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Q: What machine was run by water power and was highly utilized in the South?
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Related questions

What runs by water power and was highly utilized in the South?

cotton gin

What can you do to increase the efficiency of a machine?

Reduce losses from friction so forth in transmission of power. Ensure fuel utilized to the fullest.

Who utilized the concept of a steam engine in the textile industry to power a ship?

Robert Fulton utilized the concept of a steam engine.

Who utilized the concept of steam engine in the textile industry to power a ship?

Robert Fulton utilized the concept of a steam engine.

What is the efficiency of the machine?

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What is the machine genset used for?

A genset, also known as a generator set or simply generator, is a machine used to generate electrical power. It combines an engine, usually fueled by diesel, natural gas, or propane, with an electrical generator to produce electricity. Gensets are commonly used as backup power sources during utility power outages or in areas without access to the electrical grid. They can also be utilized as the primary power source in remote or off-grid locations, construction sites, industrial facilities, and events.

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How is the energy from the ocean utilized?

For generating energy from the power of the waves or tidal-barrages.

If the power input to a machin 75w and the output is 50w the efficiency is?

Generally efficiency is the ratio of the energy or power utilized usefully to the energy or power given as input to the device. So efficiency in this case = 50/75 = 2/3 Usually efficiency will be given in percentage. So multiplying 2/3 by 100 we get 66.7% as the efficiency of the machine.

How do you stop power meter?

Highly Illegal Highly Illegal

What is the difference machine and engine?

a engine creats it own power but a machine needs power to run

Lumber is an example of what good?

manufactories (in which a good water-power is utilized), including tanneries.