If the unit is propane or gas, the flame sensor may be bad or not in the flame long enough to "lock" the circuit on. Some units require you to hold the pilot on for 10-15 seconds to heat the sensor enough to "make" the cicuit. If in doubt, call a professional because gas and propane can be VERY dangerous.
Additionally, when was the last time the filter was cleaned?
This job is best left for a qualified pool tech who knows the codes in your state. One wrong part of the installation could get you seriously hurt.
form_title= Pool Heater form_header= Stay warm and swim with a pool heater! What is your budget for a pool heater?*= _ [50] What type of pool do you have?*= () Salt Water () Chlorine What is the size of your pool?*= _ [50]
Do you mean a pool that has a salt water generator? If so, any pool heater could be used.
You probably need to replace the light switch
no you need a stronger heater specifically designed for a swimming pool
A pool plumbing diagram with a heater typically includes pipes that connect the pool to the heater, a pump to circulate water, a filter to clean the water, and valves to control the flow of water. The heater is usually placed after the filter and before the return to the pool.
Start with a "maxtemp pool heater" search.
Sounds like a leak on the suction side of your equipment.
Recommend 400,000 BTU heater
You can buy a swimming pool heater in the Burlington, Vermont are at Leslie's Pool Supplies. They have a great selection.
it goes ....pump, filter, heater, auto feeder, back to pool...this way the super chlorated water doesn't hurt the heat exchanger...
Some pool heaters have an internal bypass valve that improves efficiency by limiting the amount of water flowing through the heat exchanger. These can stick so that water flow mostly bypasses the heat exchanger...the heater gets hot but very little heat is transferred to the pool.Other answerers have suggested the following:Your airflow over the pool is cooling the water even as it is being heatedYou may not be running the pool pump long enough. Is the heater not maintaining temp? Is the thermostat turned up? Is the filter clean? When was the last time it was back washed or cleaned?You may be using the wrong size heater for your pool and the water to heat ratio that your heater is made to work with may be out.