Try looking on ebay at completed listings to see how much they sell for. It depends on the model, a common machine will be worth less than a rarer machine. But generally, anything from about £60-£250 or sometimes even more for a working antique singer treadle is realistic. Btw, ebay isn't the best place to sell such things, as they cannot be posted, and the chances of someone living near enough to collect it AND who is willing to pay for a big van or something to transport it AND who particularly likes your machine is slim.
what is value of singer sewing machine model15ch
What is the vaule for a singer model 27 sewing machine in fair condition.
What is the value of my Singer miniature see machine serial # 29962 ?
Please don't place sewing machine questions in Bands and Recording Artists.
This doesn't belong in "Bands and Artists"
dinoausros differt
The Singer sewing machines value will vary depending on the serial numbers. You can call Singer and they will assist you in the finding the value. The number is 1-800-4-SINGER.
Please don't put sewing machine questions in "Bands and Artists".
I just purchased this model sewing machine for AU$100 (01/05/13)
There is no way to determine what the value of a sewing machine is worth without seeing it. It all depends on the condition of the machine. If it is a rare machine, it could be worth more, but there are very few buyers in the market today.
Whatever the market will bear.