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The acronym MA (Master of Arts degree) has the plural form MAs.

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Q: What is the plural of MA?
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What is the plural of BAand MA?

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What is the plural form of MA?

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ma cherie. Actually, that is the feminine. The plural is mes cheres.

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J'aime votre fille.Je 'taime, ma fille

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The plural form of 'ma and pa' is mas and pas.Perhaps you're not old enough to remember The Mamas and The Papas folk rock group.

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favorite cousin is spelled "mon cousin préféré, ma cousine préférée" in French.

What is the word ' my' in french?

The word "my" in French is "mon" (masculine), "ma" (feminine), or "mes" (plural).

What does the French word ma mean in English?

Ma (followed by a feminine noun) means "my" in English. It is a possessive; the masculine is 'mon', the plural for both is 'mes'.

What is 'sea' when translated from English to Italian?

Mare is an Italian equivalent of the English word "sea." The adjective form of the above-mentioned masculine singular noun will be the singular marina and the plural marine in the feminine and the singular marino and the plural marini in the masculine. The pronunciation will be "MA-rey" for the noun "sea" and "ma-REE-na" or "ma-REE-ney" in the feminine and "ma-REE-no" or "ma-REE-nee" in the masculine for the adjective "marine" in Pisan Italian.

Does the French word 'regle' take 'ma' or 'mes' or 'mon'?

In its singular form as 'règle' ['rule', 'ruler'], the feminine gender noun takes 'ma'. The word 'ma' is the feminine form of the possessive 'my' in the singular. In its plural form as 'règles' ['rules', 'rulers'], the noun takes 'mes' as the feminine form of the possessive 'my' in the plural.

What is 'Love cheese' when translated from English to Italian?

Ama il formaggio! in the singular, Amare il formaggio! in the plural and the singular, and Amate il formaggio! in the plural are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Love cheese!" Context makes clear whether one "you" (cases 1, 2) or two or more "you all" (examples 2, 3) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "A-ma eel for-MAD-djo" in the singular, "a-MA-rey eel for-MAD-djo" in the plural and singular, and "a-MA-tey eel for-MAD-djo" in the plural in Italian.

How do you pronounce my in french?

mon (sing., masc.)---> (moan) ma (sing., fem.)---> (mah) mes (plural)---> (may)