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Q: What is the meaning of scrap canvas?
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What is a description of Oil on Canvas What does it mean?

oil is meaning to a type of paint which is oil paint and a canvas, something you paint on.

Do canvas and canvass have contradictory meaning?

No. Canvass, meaning to scrutinize carefully, to solicit votes or to poll a region, is derived from canvas - possibly from the sense of tossing a person into the air with a sheet. Canvas itself is derived from the Greek kannabis, or hemp.

Is canvas a homophone?

Yes, 'canvas' the material would be a homophone to 'canvass' meaning to ask opinions or votes.

Is the meaning of Canvas and Canvass same?

there are not same. canvas means a type of cloth. canvass means to seek people for vote

What is the meaning of Scrap Value in accounting?

scrap value is the residual value of an asset. the valu of an asset which exists after its estimated life period

What is the meaning of cinch?

A strong saddle girth, as of canvas., A tight grip.

What is a five letter word meaning a small piece?

scrap, slice, flake

Is it good using your own bags?

What do you mean by "it"? If you mean, is it better to use your own bags versus using paper or plastic bags, then the answer is "yes." Canvas bags are the environmentally friendliest kind of bags to use, and those made from scrap canvas or organic cotton are best, in my opinion.

What is the meaning of tarpa?

A waterproofed canvas or a polymer based waterproof sheet. The correct title is "tarpaulin". It was originally a tar covered canvas mostly used by sailors.

Do canvass and canvas have similar meaning?

No, they have completely different meanings. canvas is a coarse unbleached cloth. Canvass is to solicit political votes or close examination of things.

Scrap prices in Atlanta GA?

Scrap encompasses both non ferrous and ferrous scrap - meaning steel, copper, aluminum, brass, HMS, zinc, etc. Prices of scrap vary depending on type of metal, grade of the metal, location in the world and daily price fluctuations

What are the prices of scrap steel in Missouri?

There are many different types of scrap metals (ferrous and non ferrous) - meaning scrap metals encompass steel, copper, brass, aluminum, HMS, zinc, lead, etc.. You need to be more specific on what type of scrap metal prices you are seeking.