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White glue or yellow carpenters glue will both work.

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Q: What is the best type of glue to use for a model bass wood bridge?
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What would be the best glue for joining together a balsa wood model bridge?

Yellow carpenter's glue.

How do you build a strong model Arch Bridge?

with glue

How much does a Golden Gate Bridge project weigh using popsickle sticks and string and glue?

It depends on the scale of the model

How do you make a working model of a hydraulic bridge?

you get glue and popsical sticks, me duckie. then you get a big red staples "do it" button, and EH VOILAAAA! you got yer hydraulical bridge :D

Can Elmer's ultimate glue be used to reglue a guitar bridge?

Definitely not the best glue to use. Use wood glue. *Hide glue is tried and true. It is thought best by many for parts that may need to be repaired down the road. Titebond and Gorilla glue are also favoured, although Titebond has a longer open time.

Can you use other glue besides model glue for models?

if it is a plastic model kit you can use super glue, but not wood glue.

How do you make an atoll model for kids school project?

oatmeal and glue works best

What kind of glue works best to secure a model car?

Theres a product called flex zap glue from this site ( This glue works very well with securing a model car and takes about thirty to ninety seconds to dry. The best part about this glue is its moisture and solvent resistant characteristics which is the main reason its ideal for this project of yours.

What glue is best to glue shells to wood?

Silicone is best for that.

What do you glue a citadel fine cast model with?

Super Glue

What is the best glue for a Maryland bridge?

I like a product called 'C&B Metabond.' However, you can use others as well. DO NOT attempt to reglue a loose bridge at home with superglue or other temporary glues.

How can you get super glue off of your partial upper teeth bridge?

Nail polish remover will dissolve super glue.