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Chapter 7 - Debt goes away. You cannot be behind on your house, car, etc to keep them. You cannot have massive amounts of "stuff" including equity in home/car. Chapter 13 - Lets you repay some debt at a percentage over time (up to five years). Perfect if you are behind on car or house. You get to pay the arrears over time. Chapter 11 - Like 13, except only applies if you have over $200,000 in unsecured and/or $800,000 in secured debt. (Those are the round limits.)

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Chapter 7 is debt elimination and is the more severe form of bankruptcy. Chapter 13 is where a repayment schedule is drawn up and you still payoff your debts.

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What is the difference between filed for chapter 11 and bankrupt declaration?

There are several different forms of BK...Chapter 7, Chapter 11 and Chanpter 13 are the main ones.

What difference between ch 7 and ch 13 bankruptcies?

Chapter 7 is a complete discharge of all dischargeable debts. Chapter 13 is a repayment plan of the debts under the bankruptcy court's supervision and protection.

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8 years for chapter 7. 6 years for chapter 13 with a few exceptions.

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A Chapter 7 can be filed with an open Chapter 13.

What is chapter 13 bankrupt?

There is a big difference between chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy. Generally speaking, chapter 13 bankruptcy is a type of Reorganization bankruptcy. It filing a plan with the bankruptcy court suggesting how you will repay your debt. Some debts must be repaid in full while others require only a percentage or nothing at all.

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4 years between filings.

What is the difference between chapter 11 vs chapter 7 bankruptcy?

The major difference between Chapter 11 bankruptcy and Chapter 7 bankruptcy is that Chapter 11 offers more flexibility so that debtors can negotiate terms without having to sell their assets. Under Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the debtor's assets are almost always sold to pay off their debt. Chapter 7 also features a level of debt forgiveness, whereas Chapter 11 does not.

What is the bankruptcy differences?

The difference between the types of bankruptcies have mainly to do with whether the filing is for an individual or a business. There are two types of bankruptcy for individuals. Those are Chapter 7-by far the most commonly filed form of bankruptcy and Chapter 13-which is more of a debt consolidation type of bankruptcy. Both have various positives and negatives. The article below goes into the specifics of Chapter 7 vs Chapter 13.

How long does it take after a bankruptcy is discharged to show on your credit report?

The amount of time a bankruptcy stays on your credit report after discharge differs between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. With Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the Chapter 7 stays on your credit report for 10 years. Chapter 13 bankruptcy, after discharge, it shows for 7 years on your credit report.

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Can you go from ch 13 to ch 7?

Yes, you can covert a chapter 13 to a chapter 7 and vice versa.

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