The string on the tassel is actually a loop. The loop goes around and under the button on the top of the cap.
no animal has a red tassel on its cap, but if you're talking about the Disney movie, Aladdin, then it is abu, his monkey
I'm thinking of a Fez.
Professors typically wear their tassel on the left side of their mortarboard cap during graduation ceremonies.
Black grown and yellow tassel
"Cap" in Latin can also be synonymous with "head" or "top."
ציצית (tseetseet)
The word "tassel" originated from the Latin word "tassellus," which referred to a small clasp or fastening. Over time, it evolved to describe the decorative hanging ornament made of threads or cords.
According to the answer posted for another question, US protocol is for it to start on the student's right and be moved during the ceremony to the left.