A tress is a long lock of hair,
Straight stitch is just a regular stich going in and back out; although, a Lock stitch is similar to straight but the thread comes back around goes through itself to almost form a knot.
to lock the edge
The final stitch is often called the lock stitch, and can be made by using the reverse button on the sewing machine. After you come to the end of your work, you do several stitches in reverse over the completed work to lock in the seam.
Stitch is his real name, Experiment 626 is his number, as for last name, either Jookiba or Pelekai.
There are different stitch patterns, but here is a "Simple Interrupted Stitch."
lots fail
Chain stitch - hand or machine stitch for seams or decoration Lock stitch Straight stitch - Straight stitches pass through the fabric ground in a simple up and down motion, and for the most part moving in a single direction. ZigZag stitch Stretch stitch Cover stitch Running stitch - a hand stitch for seams and gathering Back stitch - a sturdy hand stitch for seams and decoration Satin stitch Outline stitch Cross stitch - usually used for decoration, but may also be used for seams
Stitch is also known as Experiment 626.
stitch was experiment 626
It's name is angel
Basting stitch