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YAG is another term for yttrium aluminium garnet, a synthetic material used in lasers and formerly as an artificial gemstone.

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Q: What is a yag?
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Does a company by name Yag cleaners exisist in Cardiff?

is it yag cleaners really exist

What does the stamp YAG on a ring mean?

The Stamp YAG Means Gold Coated Silver

What is a YAG capsulotomy?

YAG stands for yttrium aluminum garnet, the name of the laser used for this procedure.

What is a yag laser?

YAG lasers can produce functional and technical marks as well as creative and delicate patterns on the widest variety of surfaces. YAG lasers are marking countless ICs, pacemakers, apples, bathroom fittings, cell phones, solar cells, watches, perfume bottles and sunglasses. YAG Lasers are great for marking automobile and aircraft components and meeting DOD UID requirements.if you want to know more just go ahead:

What would happen if you used the slt beam for a yag laser posterior capsulotomy instead of the yag beam?

Using the SLT beam instead of the YAG beam for a posterior capsulotomy may not be effective. The YAG laser has higher energy levels and is specifically designed for creating the necessary opening in the posterior capsule. The SLT laser, typically used for trabeculoplasty, may not have the power to achieve the desired outcome for a posterior capsulotomy.

What does abbreviation YAG stands for?

Yttrium Arsenic Gallium

What are topics for paper presentations in ophthalmology?


What does the abbreviation YAG stand for?

young American geniuses

Does there a company by name yag cleaners exisist in UK? a long thread on both yag cleaners and yag caterersanswer You can check the status of any company on this UK government website between 0700 and midnight.

What industries use the Yag laser?

The Yag laser is used in a variety of industries for a variety of important purposes. These include use by medical professionals include surgeons and dentists, the latter using them primarily for removing decayed dental tissues. Beyond the medical applications, the Yag laser is also used in manufacturing and even for military applications.

What is McDonald's made out of?

Cement, wood, and steel.AND MONEY YAG PEPOLE

What type of surgery is YAG laser surgery?

A YAG laser surgery is a surgery for cataracts. Cataracts are what makes a persons vision blurry or cloudy. The laser surgery makes it so that person can see better after they have the surgery.