

What is a normal IQ test out of?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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13y ago

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There is no limit, but scores are almost always below 130. 100 is supposedly average.

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Q: What is a normal IQ test out of?
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Is IQ of 93 a good thing?

An IQ of 93 is definitely within normal range. The normal range is from 90 to 110, with 100 being the average. If you took the IQ test with a professional, then ask the professional about your results. If you took the IQ test online, then completely ignore those results. An IQ test can only be administered by a trained professional.

Is an IQ of 92 good?

It's normal. But if you took the IQ test online, it probably wasn't accurate. The only way to get an accurate assessment of your IQ is to take a test at school or somewhere done by a professional.

Is 96 IQ normal for a 32-year-old male?

By definition a 96 IQ is normal. IQ test results are adjusted for age so that an half the population will score above 100 and half below.

If you are a 16 year old boy and scored 93 on an IQ test what does it mean?

The average/normal IQ is anywhere between 90 - 110, so this means you are well within the average/normal IQ range.

Is 92 good on a IQ test?

It is below "normal" but generally not significantly so.

4 year old girl with IQ 124?

Normal, but a IQ test for a 4 year old is not valid enough to have merit.

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IQ Test

What is the normal IQ for 5 year old?

The normal IQ for a 5 year old should be no different to that of an adult. The test would simply be adjusted to suit a 5 year old.

How do you know your IQ?

Take a valid IQ test or some sort of standarized test that corresponds to your IQ.

What is a normal IQ score?

The normal IQ is 91 to 110.