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Q: What is a motorcycle charter?
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What is a nomad chapter of a motorcycle club?

I basically means someone who is not a member of a particular charter. For example someone who leaves the area of the charter they are in, and becomes Nomad due to there being no charter in the place he or she has moved to.

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SAMCROW or SAMCRO, stands for the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original. It's the first Chapter out of 18, started in 1967.

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From the Hell's Angels FAQ: "if you have to ask where the nearest Charter is to aren't ready to join a Motorcycle Club." You could look for Hells Angels North Shore Charter from Haleiwa, Oahu, Hawaii.

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On can find an international air charter though Air Charter, Air Charter International, Jet Charter, Sherpa Report, Altitude Aviation, and Air Charter Advisors.

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A charter colony is a colony that was started with a charter. A charter is permission from the King or Queen to start a colony.

How do you get a motorcycle club charter?

Assuming this is meant to read "How do you get a charter for an OUTLAW motorcycle club?" . . . . Mostly the answer is "if you have to ask then you don't need to know". The real answer is to apply for charter to the head chapter. For "non-1%er" clubs like HOG and the like, applying for a charter may be as easy as phoning their head office for information or sending an email to their webmaster. However, for outlaw motorcycle clubs, this is not an easy thing to do for just anyone. The real motorcycle clubs out there are very tight knit brotherhoods and to even contemplate applying for a charter you would need to be a well known member in good standing with the respective club. The place where you are applying for would have to have no existing chapter of said club and sufficient members and prospective members in place to make a new chapter worth while. An example would be most major towns or cities, one would not be able to just apply for a charter for "Hells Angels" there because chances are that a chapter already exists there. A fair number of clubs also frown upon "big noting" ones self. One could not apply for new charter for a chapter just because they want to "be the president of their own club". The new charter would have to be in the best interests of the club in whole, not just the individual and his friends. Most outlaw motorcycle clubs do not expand by granting new charters to just anyone. The normal thing to do is to "move in" to a town or city by taking over an already existing club. The existing club is offered to "patch with us or disband completely". In this way the biker "way of life" is preserved because they are just changing the name of a club who's lifestyle or way of life is already the same as theirs. The existing members of the club which has been taken over (if they choose to stay) are granted "probationary" or "prospect" status for the new club and a well respected member of the takeover club and probably some of his patched brothers would take the role of the hierarchy administrate the club until everything has settled. So in summary the answer to "How do you get a motorcycle club charter?" is - Join a motorcycle club. - Put in years of loyalty to your club and brothers. - Prove yourself worthy of respect to your club and brothers. Once you have done that, you would take one of two routes from there . . . - Go to a town that already has a motorcycle club and take them over in the name of your club. - Move to a town that does not already have an existing chapter of your club and try to set up shop. Once you have done that, you have to make the club survive. - If there are other clubs in that area they may not be happy that a new club has sprouted up in their back yard. - The police may not like that there is a new club in town and get "this town ain't big enough for the two of us" syndrome. Sounds easy doesn't it?

What are all goals of the charter?

Which charter?

What is the difference between a motorcycle club charter and chapter?

Charter basically means being under the guidance of the American Motorcyclist Association. A chapter is a motorcycle community in a certain place.Read more

What is Charter Communications's population?

The population of Charter Communications is 16,800.

What companies charter yachts?

The companies that charter yachts can be found on the Charter World website where hundreds of companies is listed in the website's charter yachts database.