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hi muscles perform Potential->Kinetic->heat potential- energy that can be used and is stored for use kinetic - movement heat- a prime factor of any kinetic relative glad to help Jordan

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Q: What energy transformation do muscles perform?
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What type of energy transformation performs muscles?

It is chemical to kinetic energy.

What type of energy transformation changes the food you eat into energy to play soccer?

The energy transformation that changes food into energy for physical activity like playing soccer is known as chemical energy conversion. When you eat food, your body breaks it down into nutrients which are then converted into energy through a process called cellular respiration. This energy is used by your muscles to perform activities like running, kicking the ball, and playing soccer.

What type of energy transformations does muscles perform?

It is chemical to kinetic energy.

What is the energy transformation in walking?

there is not transformation of energy it is kinetic energy

What is produced in your muscles when they perform fermentation?

Lactic acid + energy

What energy transformation takes place when you are walking?

When you are walking, your body converts stored chemical energy from the food you eat into kinetic energy as you move your muscles to propel you forward. This involves a transformation from potential energy to kinetic energy as your body changes position.

What energy transformation happens when a person lifts a chair?

When a person lifts a chair, the energy transformation that occurs is from the chemical energy stored in the person's muscles to mechanical energy used to lift the chair against gravity.

What energy transformation occurs in a person lifting a chair?

The energy transformation that occurs when a person lifts a chair involves converting chemical energy from the food consumed into mechanical energy to move the muscles, which lifts the chair against the force of gravity.

Photovoltaics perform what type of energy transformation.?

Radiant Electric Kinetic They transform electromagnetic radiation (for example light) into electrical energy.

What type of energy transformation do photovoltaics perform?

Radiant Electric Kinetic They transform electromagnetic radiation (for example light) into electrical energy.

What energy transformation does a cordless drill have?

A cordless drill typically converts electrical energy from the battery into mechanical energy to rotate the drill bit. This transformation allows the drill to perform its intended task of driving screws or drilling holes.

What does chemical energy change into when you move?

When you move, chemical energy stored in your muscles is converted into mechanical energy, which powers your motion. This conversion allows your muscles to contract and your body to perform physical tasks.