To praise someone is to give that person credit or honor for what the person is or for what the person has done, in front of others.
Say in a business meeting, you praise a co-worker for the good job they did on a project, in front of all the other employees.
You praise someone in front of others, it is just thanks to give someone credit or honor in front of them alone with no one else around.
Praise the Lord or praise to the Lord
its something you can do for example i praise the lord
There is no such phrase as "praise so".
praise means proshongsha in bangla............ thank you:)
I praise.
Praise worthy.
a girl meaning praise
Thankfulness, commendation, praise
It means praise the Lord!
Hallelujah is a Hebrew word meaning "praise ye JAH (Jehovah)." In modern parlance, both words mean "praise the Lord" or "praise Jehovah."
It mean that we do great deeds and we get praise for what we done.
Jude is an English variation of the Hebrew name Yehudah, which means "praise."