Literally - the stitch appears to lean towards the left (SSK versus K2tog).
Slip one stitch (from the left needle to the right), knit the next 2 stitches together, than pass the slipped stitch over the finished K2tog stitch.
K2 is simply knitting for two separate stitches. this is different from K2tog which means knit two together, where you treat the next two stitches as though they are one.
Pass slipped stitch over. E.g. SK2P = Slip one stitch, K2tog, pass slipped stitch over the stitch just worked. -- thus decreasing by 2 stitches.
yrn is the abbreviation for 'yarn' - the material you are knitting or crocheting with
Grameen is the name of a knitting factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
A marker is a ring placed on a knitting needle between two stitches to remind the knitting that something is supposed to happen there.
On a knitting chart, it symbolizes "yarn over" also, in some books/instructions, "yarn forward".
There are no abbreviations in knitting which uses "mds." The questioner may have meant to say "rnds" which means "rounds."
There are no abbreviations in knitting which uses "mds." The questioner may have meant to say "rnds" which means "rounds."