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you've asked about making the r2 pattern in the 4row repeated pattern called harlequin stitch.

If you're working on the free greenway pattern, this will really help you. the words "over" don't mean "over" as in "skip" but mean "over" as in "over top" or "work into."

after the ch3 at the start of the row, dctog in each of the first 3 dcs, ch7 making sure to sk over the ch1 in the top of the "3dc ch 1 3dc cluster" from row1 that you're working on here in row 2. now 6dctog working into each of the next 6 dc skipping the sc in the middle at the bottom. You're working down the side of one triangle and up the side of the next triangle but skipping the sc at the bottom. ch 7 after the 6dctog are completed.

Again, this is at the top of the triangle and will ignore the ch sp. now start the next round of 6dctog going first down and then up the sides. always work into each DC so your "diamond" (or triangle) looks like a diamond. keep going to the end of the row, where you'll work the 3dc at the end instead of the 6 to get a quarter diamond instead of a triangle. in the next row, you'll work the ch7's into the skipped ch1 space from the first row and the quarter diamonds on the end will become half diamonds.


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Q: What does it means to 3 dc-tog over next 3 dc then ch 7 skip 1ch 6 dc-tog over 6 dc for a crocheted Harlequin pattern?
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