how to fix tajima 321 error
Check with or It means that your X or Y driver (boards) are bad....
machine fool
An embroidery machine.
The manual said to check the belt and sure enough it was broken in half. Unscrew the panel on the left hand side of the machine, where you put the allen wrench in to manually turn the needles up and down. The belt is right there. $110.00 to replace.
When this happened on our machine it was a loose wire on one of the start/stop switches
The CPU board is bad an needs to be repaired by a circuit board repair company. for example The CPU Software has corrupted, get a EX.sys disk from Tajima or find the one that came with the machine and Initialize the CPU from the Floppy Drive built into the machine. Very Rarely the CPU is actually faulty, unless you are very rich ... $3000 rich. Regards,
What dose error code d1.14 mean on tajima
I depends. It's either a sensor, it's wiring, or potentially the control card. Or it may be caused by wrongly positioned mechanisms of the main shaft.
the tread that is use on a V2Q outer space blue colour code in embroidery is a sewing thread
Machine code is machine-dependant because every machine architecture has its own version of machine code. The code is non-portable because only the machine for which the code was intended will be able to understand it.
They are the same thing. Every machine type has its own version of machine code, the native language of the machine (native machine code). All high-level code must be converted to native machine code before it can execute. Machine code is machine dependent but high-level code is generally machine-independent, thus the same source code can generally be converted to suit any type of machine using a suitable compiler or interpreter.