what does RH% mean
Rh factor is a protein that is found in the blood of about 85% of the population. Those who have the factor are Rh positive, while those who don't, are Rh negative. A person who is Rh negative can safely donate blood to persons with or without the protein. A person who is Rh positive can only donate to those who are Rh positive.
Reproductive Health Bill
No. I assume that by A you mean you are A+. Since you have Rh+ blood, there is no risk in carrying a baby with Rh+ or Rh- blood. A woman who is Rh- can still have a baby with an Rh+ partner as long as she is treated and the doctor is aware of the partner's blood type.
Your blood type is determined (genetically) by the presence or absence of specific surface antigens on the membrane of the RBC. The most important RBC surface antigens are A, B and Rh.Blood can be either Rh positive(Rh+) or Rh negative (Rh-) depending on the presence (Rh+) or absence of the Rh antigen (Rh-) on the surface of the cell.Unlike the ABO system, type Rh- blood does not normally carry anti-Rh antibodies, unless the individual has been sensitized by previous exposure (usually pregnancy).The most common blood type is O+.
Yes, a child born with Rh negative blood type can be the offspring of an O positive father if the mother is also Rh negative, as the Rh factor is determined by both parents' blood types. If the mother is Rh positive, the child may inherit the Rh negative trait from the mother and be Rh negative.
Rh blood group, D antigen
It stands for Right Hand
Rh blood just means you do not have a specific antigen in your blood. It doesn't mean you will have any health issues, but more concerning is if you were to become pregnant.
It is more common to be Rh-positive (Rh+) than Rh-negative (Rh-) in the general population. Around 85% of people are Rh+ while only about 15% are Rh-.
Father is Rh-Rh-Positive blood type has two options so mother could be Rh+Rh+ or Rh+Rh- and so :Rh-Rh- X Rh+Rh+all kids will be positivethe second option isRh-Rh- X Rh+Rh-50% of the kids will be negativethe other 50% will be positive.
there is no problem with that, your Rh+ comes from your mother :) ur father genotype is Rh-Rh- your mother should be Rh+Rh+ or Rh+Rh- so you took one Rh- from your father and one Rh+ from your mother the result will be Rh+Rh- and because the +ve propriety is more dominant your blood type will be +ve even if you have the mix of Rh+Rh-